Disney Cruise Line Port Excursions – Discounts & Tips
LAST UPDATE: 2/26/25
Disney Port Adventures are not cheap, and they can add a significant amount to the total cost of your Disney Cruise. This page covers discounts, deals, and advice about port excursions at ports of call visited by Disney Cruise Line. We have collected our best tips and advice to help you save time, save money and have more fun when you get off your cruise ship. After all, sightseeing in exotic destinations is one of the primary reasons to take a cruise!
Thanks to Marjorie Treger and to MouseSavers.com readers Jeff Evernham and Aileen B, who contributed some great tips.
Jump to:
- General Tips
- Port Safety
- Disney Shore Excursions
- Self-booking Excursions & Exploring Independently
- Booking Excursions With Viator
- Castaway Cay
- Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point
- Nassau, Bahamas
Other useful Disney Cruise Line information pages:
- For discounts and tips on saving money on the cruise itself, visit our Disney Cruise Discount page.
- For tips and tricks that will help you plan your cruise, visit the Planning Tips & Tricks for Disney Cruises page.
- For advice that will help you save time and get the most out of your cruise once you are onboard, visit the DCL Onboard Advice page.
General Tips
If you’re not an adventurous traveler, you may want to book a Disney port excursion the first time you visit a port just to get the lay of the land, so to speak. That said, it’s pretty easy to go it alone in most of these ports, either by booking your own port adventures or just wandering. Every day in each of these ports, 3,000-18,000 cruise passengers flood the streets, so the ports are pretty good at providing services and infrastructure to travelers. And because they don’t want to risk the lucrative flow of tourism dollars, most of these places will have plenty of security in the major tourist areas. If you stay in tourist-oriented areas with lots of foot traffic during daylight hours, you may encounter vendors who are pushier than you might be used to, but safety should not be a major problem. Do read the port safety section and keep your wits about you.
A limited number of strollers are available from Guest Services while in port. They are free with a deposit. Since they are limited, don’t wait until most people have left the ship to ask for one.
Port days are a great time to take advantage of the ship’s amenities — such as the pools, spa and the AquaDuck or AquaMouse — with minimal crowds. Most people leave the ship in the morning and return in the afternoon. If you want to enjoy the ship when it’s nearly empty, reverse your schedule so you’re on the ship in the morning and in port during the afternoon. Depending on the ship’s arrival and departure times, this is easier to do at some ports than others.
If you’re wondering how busy a port will be, a great resource is CruiseTimeTables.com. Select your ship and dates, and it will show you which ships will be in port on each day of your cruise. From that, you can click on each ship name to see the details of that ship and see how many passengers it carries. Add all the passenger counts for all the ships in a particular port, and that’s the “port load” for that day. On low-load days, it will be easier to get a taxi, the tourist spots will be less crowded, etc. On high-load days, expect crowds everywhere. It’s a good idea to look at the port load on other days that month to get an idea of what’s a “normal” load. If the port usually handles 15,000 people, then a 10,000 person day might be fairly light. But in another port, their normal day might be 6,000, making 10,000 a huge crowd.
And of course, any of these ports will be busier during peak vacation times, which for the Caribbean and Bahamas is spring break (generally late March through early April) and Christmas season (the two calendar weeks that contain Christmas and New Year’s Day). During those times, you can expect major tourist destinations, beaches, resorts, restaurants, etc. to be very busy and booked up well in advance. The resorts will be full of guests, and the cruise ships will be running as full as possible. Surprisingly, summer in the Caribbean is only moderately busy, as it’s very hot, and a lot of cruise ships are in Alaska and Europe then.
If you want to get away from the tourist gloss and go a little deeper, you might ask some of the crew on the ship where they like to go when they have free time in that port. You still won’t necessarily be seeing the “real” country, but it’s a good way to find something more like a local hangout and less like a chain restaurant. Keep in mind that crew care more about things like free Wi-Fi and cheap drinks, and less about fancy décor and beautiful views.
Port Safety
A warning: reading this section can make you feel like it’s a mistake to leave home, which is not our intent. We don’t want people to get the impression that they’re in grave danger when they leave the ship, but it’s important to be clear-headed and travel smart. Most travelers have no real trouble, especially on organized cruise excursions and shopping in busy tourist areas. However, crime rates are quite high in some of the countries Disney Cruise Line visits, and it’s worthwhile to take some basic precautions.
In almost all developing countries, including many ports in the Caribbean, you are highly likely to encounter vendors who will call to you, ask questions, shove items in front of you, touch you to get your attention, etc. This is not a safety problem per se, it’s just much more aggressive selling than most first-world residents are used to. The vendors know that cruise ship passengers have money, and they hope to get some of that money by selling crafts, t-shirts, hair-braiding, etc. If you’re not interested in what they are selling, you should say “no thanks,” shake your head, or something equivalent, and keep walking. If you ignore them, they don’t know if you have heard them or not, and they may just get louder and closer. If you stop, they’re going to assume you’re interested. Politely making it clear that you’re not interested usually works; you want to act like someone who’s got somewhere to be. If they persist after that, stop responding and move away from them. Do not answer questions from vendors if you aren’t interested in what they’re selling. Usually these vendors are concentrated right around the cruise terminal and a few other big tourist hot spots and if you get a block or two away it gets much better. If you know that dealing with aggressive vendors is going to make you uncomfortable, you’re best off sticking with organized excursions, either through Disney, Viator or large tour operators, or hiring your own guide or driver to take you around.
We strongly recommend against doing any kind of motorized watersports excursions, such as jet-ski rental or parasailing, on a walk-up basis on any beach in the Caribbean, Mexico or Bahamas. These vendors are typically effectively unregulated, and incidents of accidents due to under-maintained equipment and/or poor safety procedures are high enough to make us uncomfortable. Any such excursions should either be purchased through Disney, Viator or some other intermediary that you trust to do reasonable vetting of the final provider. Note that the jet-ski vendors working the beaches in front of major hotels are not typically affiliated with, or recommended by, the hotels. We also recommend doing thorough research on any boat tour, fishing tour, snorkeling or scuba tours booked independently. There are plenty of good independent companies in any of the ports, but there are also lots of tiny companies that may not carry adequate insurance, may not have proper equipment maintenance, may not have proper safety certifications, etc. You should look for how long they’ve been in business, how many reviews they have on major review sites like TripAdvisor, and whether their staff have certifications from recognized organizations like PADI.
We advise not straying far from the port or other tourist areas in Nassau, Bahamas, especially at night. Violent crime against tourists is rare, but it does happen, including bold armed robberies of tour groups. Don’t just take our word for it, read the US State Department’s advisory, under Safety & Security. The vendors are also extra-aggressive here, though it dies down considerably once you get a block or two away from the cruise terminal. If you just want to shop or walk around in Nassau, we advise staying within a few blocks of Bay Street, which is the main shopping street running along the shoreline, or take a cab over to Paradise Island, where the shopping area is much less chaotic and less sketchy.
Falmouth, Jamaica has had ongoing problems with extremely aggressive vendors near the port. While Jamaica does have serious crime problems, most of it is found in poor areas of Kingston and Montego Bay. Falmouth itself is not an especially crime-prone area. Certainly the large gated shopping area of the cruise port is completely safe to explore, as only employees and cruise-ship passengers are allowed in, and while inside the gated area you will not be accosted by sellers. However, outside the port gates there are quite a few souvenir and craft vendors on the street who buttonhole cruise passengers as they go by. Firmly and politely saying “no thanks” is generally enough to get them to leave you alone. If you ever feel unsafe, during the day there are tourist police stationed at intersections near the port, who wear white helmets, white shirts and black pants.
Crime and violence have been on the increase in Mexico for the last few years. Relatively little of the violence has been directed against tourists, but it does happen occasionally: in February 2012, a busload of people on an official excursion from a Carnival ship were robbed of all their valuables, including passports, in Puerto Vallarta. (This was a giant mess for those who lost their passports, which is why we say do not take your passport off the ship!) Disney adjusts its port calls in response to current events and will make every effort to visit the ports that are safest. We recommend staying with a group and/or taking an official excursion when visiting Baja ports, except for Cabo San Lucas, which has had few crime problems. For Western Caribbean cruises, Cozumel is a fairly safe port.
Barcelona is an amazing city but has a big problem with pickpockets. According to a tour guide we spoke with there, under local laws most such thefts are a hand-slapping offense (basically if the pickpocket is caught, a ticket is issued and they don’t have to worry about going to jail). Personally, we saw a lot of tourists wandering around with expensive handbags hanging open over their arms. Don’t make yourself such an obvious target and you’re likely to be fine.
Some safety tips when getting off the ship in any port:
- Be aware of your surroundings. Look on a map before leaving the ship so you know the general layout of the port and have an idea of where the ship is docked. Don’t rely exclusively on a smartphone or other electronic device for directions, since those might be stolen. Take a paper map with you so you can find your way back to the ship.
- Don’t carry your whole wallet around. We recommend getting a travelers pouch (worn inside your shirt around your neck, or around your waist inside your pants), plus a cheap wallet. Preload the wallet with a little cash and maybe one credit card, and nothing else. In the travelers pouch put more cash, a different credit card, your ID, room key, and any phone numbers you might need (see below). Don’t put the ID in the wallet, since you’ll usually need the ID to get through customs and back on the ship. If you get mugged or pickpocketed, the thieves will get some cash, a credit card (which you’ll cancel as soon as you get back to the ship), and a wallet.
- DO NOT take your passport with you when you leave the ship, unless the country requires it, or you plan to rent a car (in which case you’ll need it). If it is stolen, you will have a real problem. Very few countries require you to carry your passport around. If not having your passport with you makes you nervous, make a color photocopy of the identity page of your passport before you leave on the cruise, and carry that with you when you get off the ship.
- DO put your passport (and any other necessary documents, credit cards, etc.) in your stateroom safe when you leave the ship. If for some reason you can’t make it back to the ship, Disney will send two security officers into your stateroom, open the safe, retrieve your passport and leave it with the port agent so you can arrange to rejoin the ship or head home.
- Don’t wear expensive-looking jewelry/watches/handbags, particularly when visiting places with a lot of poverty (e.g. Mexico and the Caribbean) or that are known for pickpockets (e.g. Barcelona and Naples). It just makes you a target for thieves. Very expensive/complicated SLR cameras can also make you a target. If you have a great camera, stay in the safest areas and don’t wander too far alone.
- Write down the name and phone number of the “ship’s agent” for the port (which will be available in the Navigator app), and carry it with you. Putting it in your cell phone or other electronic device is a good backup, but put it on a piece of paper, too, in case your phone is lost or stolen. You’ll need to contact the ship’s agent if something bad happens while you’re onshore (i.e., you get sick/robbed/miss the ship’s departure, etc.) If something happens and you lose the number for the ship’s agent, call the port – they will know the agents for the various cruise lines. It would be a good idea to also have the number of the nearest US embassy or consulate and a local cab company.
- Do not take unlicensed cabs, unless the car was arranged by yourself or a trusted intermediary such as your hotel concierge or bell captain. If a random driver offers to take you somewhere, don’t take them up on it. Your best bet is to only pick up cabs at managed cab stands at ports, airports, hotels or major tourist destinations. In cities with well-regulated cab systems with clear markings, hailing a cab on the street is fine.
Disney Shore Excursions
Disney offers a wide variety of shore excursions (which they call “port adventures”) of varying quality. In almost all cases the excursions are offered by third parties contracted by Disney. If you’re wondering whether an excursion is worthwhile, we recommend buying a guidebook that reviews them, or searching the internet for reviews on cruise sites, since nearly all shore excursions are the same ones offered to all the cruise ships. Keep in mind that there are often many tour operators offering similarly-named excursions in each port, so just because you find a fantastic review of a city tour, for example, doesn’t mean it’s the same city tour offered by Disney.
Some excursions are very popular and fill up early, so book them as early as you can. If you’re not able to get an excursion you wanted before you embark, go to Guest Services or the Excursion Desk as soon as you get onboard and see if they can add you to a waiting list. Or you can check our tips below for booking the tour on your own. Sometimes the tour or experience itself still has space, but the bus that Disney chartered is full – if you’re willing to take a cab direct to the facility you can still do the excursion.
Self-booking Excursions & Exploring Independently
Booking excursions directly, instead of via Disney, can save you money and give you extra flexibility. As we mentioned earlier, the shore excursions offered at each of Disney’s ports of call are provided by third-party tour companies, with the exception of most of the Castaway Cay excursions. They are (with a few exceptions) the exact same excursions offered by every other cruise line, and are often offered directly to the public via the tour operators’ own website, or via various aggregators like Viator. In some cases the tour is cheaper when you book directly (since they don’t have to split the profit with Disney), but even if it’s the same price, booking yourself allows you to choose excursions or optional add-ons Disney doesn’t offer, or alternative times that might fit your schedule better. And of course you can choose to do tours and activities that are not offered by Disney, or just get off the ship and explore the town.
Families with kids can often save significant money booking direct! Disney Cruise Line almost always uses a standard age range for pricing port excursions: anyone 10 or older pays the adult price, ages 3-9 pay a child price and ages 2 and under are usually free (or sometimes there’s an infant price). But if you book your port excursion directly with the tour operator, you often find that they offer child discounts up to age 12 and sometimes up to age 16 or 17. Some don’t charge for kids 3 or under, or even 4 or under. That can save you a lot of money, depending on the ages of your kids. You have to book directly (or through another vendor like Viator) to get the more generous child discounts.
Some people worry that an independent tour company might not getting them back to the ship on time. In practice, it’s extremely rare for a tour operator to get passengers back late enough to miss their ship. Any tour company that services cruise passengers risks the wrath of a busload of incredibly angry guests if they miss their ship. You can be sure they do not want that to happen, and they will go to great lengths to avoid it. If they have a bus breakdown, they will have a contingency plan to bring in another bus or provide alternative transportation. Some third-party tour companies provide a guarantee that they’ll get you back to your boat on time or they’ll pay to get you to the next port, which tells you that they’re confident they’ll be on time. They take cruise-ship passengers around every day of the year; they’re very aware of the need to stay on schedule.
On a Disney-booked tour, the tour operator will contact the Disney ship’s agent immediately if they get into trouble, so the ship staff know what’s going on. You should do the same: if you are exploring independently or on a self-booked tour and suffer an issue that might make you late, immediately call the ship’s agent and tell them what’s happening. The name and phone number of the ship’s agent for the port is in the Navigator app, or you can call the port and ask for the name and number of the Disney port agent. The ship may wait for you if they know where you are and when you’ll be arriving; they usually won’t wait very long if they have no idea when you’ll be there.
In the very unlikely event that a tour operator doesn’t get you back to the ship before it has to leave, third-party trip insurance may cover your cost to get to the next port, via the “trip interruption,” “missed connection” or “travel delay” coverage, if the tour operator or a cab, bus, or train is delayed as a result of one of the covered events. Covered events usually include a tour operator or carrier suffering a mechanical breakdown, traffic accident or weather-related delay. Check the description of coverage of your trip insurance, or call their customer service number to see if you’re covered. Be careful; some of them only cover trip interruption or missed connections if the carrier ceases service for more than a certain amount of time, sometimes as much as 24 hours.
Most people who miss their ship departure are not on an excursion at all. They just get sidetracked while shopping or sightseeing (or drinking), often within walking distance of the ship. When you’re close to the ship you don’t have the stress of worrying about getting a cab or whether your tour is going to leave on time, and it’s easy to stop paying attention. Another reason people miss the ship is that they mis-remember the all-aboard time. Don’t let this be you! Write down the all-aboard time, and set an alarm on your phone or watch for when you should be heading back to the ship. Something to be aware of is that if your phone connects to the local cell towers or to local Wi-Fi, it may reset its clock to local time, which might not match ship time. Make sure you know whether your all-aboard is in local time or ship’s time, and also know what time zone your watch or phone is set to. Allow 30 minutes to get through port security, plus 30 minutes for each transportation leg you have to take, in addition to estimated travel time, just in case.
Another thing to keep in mind about self-booked tours: occasionally the ship has to miss a port or arrive late because of weather or some other issue. If you have an excursion in that port that you self-booked, that tour operator’s cancellation policy applies. In our experience many tour operators will refund your money if the ship doesn’t make port, and most will wait for you or put you on a later tour if the ship is late, if they can find a way to do it. It’s definitely worth checking the “missed port” policy before you book, though. Again, your trip insurance may cover missed port excursions under “trip interruption,” “travel delay” or “missed connection;” check with your insurance provider to be sure.
No matter how you book your tour it’s a good idea to have your own contingency plan just in case. You should always have the number of a local cab company in your phone (and written on a piece of paper in case you lose your phone). And you always want to give yourself some leeway. We strongly recommend against self-booking a tour or activity that ends less than 2 hours before the ship leaves. You could make exceptions if you know the activity happens completely within walking distance of the ship, such as the lumberjack show in Ketchikan, which is literally a block and a half from the dock. Be careful though – sometimes the location given by the tour operator is just the pick-up spot; they may transport you somewhere else for the actual activity. The bottom line is that you want to have enough time to find alternative transportation back to the ship if you have to, especially if you’re just exploring on your own. When in doubt, contact the tour operator directly if you can, and ask them how much time it takes to get to and from their pick-up/drop-off points.
Booking Excursions With Viator
Viator.com is an easy, reliable way to book cruise excursions, tours and activities. Like Disney, they work with third-party operators in the various port cities. They hand-pick tour operators that meet their standards for experience, financial soundness, and customer service. They have reviews on their excursions, written by actual customers. You need to take these reviews with the same skepticism that you would with any online reviews: some people are ultra-picky, and some people love everything. But it can give you useful details about the kinds of things you’ll get to do, the kinds of problems that can arise, whether you have to take a long ride from the port to get to the tour beginning, etc.
We have been recommending Viator.com for several years and have had good feedback from readers. They often have the best prices we’ve found on shore excursions, and offer many of the popular excursions in the major ports Disney visits. In some cases they offer the exact same excursion as Disney, provided by the exact same tour company, but with a wider range of available times or more options. We have on several occasions chosen one of their excursions as an alternative to Disney’s excursions, and we’ve always been happy with the tour operators and tours.
To give an example, on our trip to Alaska on the Disney Wonder, we booked a whale-watching excursion in Juneau with Viator because it left earlier, which left us more time for sightseeing and the Mendenhall Glacier. It turns out there are about 5 big whale-watching companies in Juneau, and they all share information about whale sightings, so everyone’s boats spend most of their time in a group traveling from sighting to sighting, then occasionally splitting up to look for more whales. The boat we were on was smaller and faster than the other boats, which allowed us to reach several whale pods first, but in the end everyone saw the same whales. The bottom line: we got a basically identical (maybe a little better) whale-watching trip for about 70% of the Disney excursion price.
Here are direct links to the tours and activities pages on Viator.com for the most popular Disney Cruise Line ports, including departure ports. Note that many excellent tours that work well for cruise passengers are not necessarily listed in the “shore excursions” category. You just have to look at the start and end times of any tour you’re considering and compare to the cruise schedule. We recommend avoiding picking start times less than 30 minutes after your scheduled arrival time in port (plus any travel time needed to get from the port to the tour’s start point). And we strongly advise not picking tours with ending times less than 2 hours before the cruise’s scheduled departure time (plus any travel time needed to get from the tour’s end point to the ship).
Western Caribbean:
- Miami tours and excursions
- Cozumel tours and excursions
- Grand Cayman tours and excursions (Remember to allow time for tendering into port)
- Falmouth, Jamaica tours and excursions
Eastern Caribbean:
- Vancouver, Canada tours and excursions
- Juneau tours and excursions
- Skagway tours and excursions
- Ketchikan tours and excursions
- Barcelona, Spain tours and activities
- Venice, Italy tours and activities
- Villefranche (French Riviera) tours and excursions
- Pisa, Italy tours and excursions (Note that you need to allow travel time to/from La Spezia)
- Florence, Italy tours and excursions (Note that you need to allow travel time to/from La Spezia)
- La Spezia, Italy tours and excursions
- Rome, Italy tours and excursions (Note that you need to allow travel time to/from Civitavecchia)
- Naples, Italy tours and excursions
For other locations, go the Viator.com home page and search for the name of the port.
Castaway Cay
Many of Disney’s Bahamian and Caribbean cruises include a day at Disney’s original private island: Castaway Cay (pronounced like “key”), which is a tiny islet in the Bahamas. For many people Castaway Cay is the best part of a Disney Cruise, as you get the wonderful white sand beaches and clear water of the Caribbean without annoying distractions like roaming vendors and hair braiders. There are plenty of beach chairs for everyone (though you may need to hike to the far end of the beach if you take your time in the morning getting off the ship), and lots of things to do or not do as you prefer.
On your Castaway Cay day, we definitely recommend getting off the ship early. Use room service to have breakfast in your cabin or head to the buffet when it opens and then get off the ship as soon after 9:00 am as you can. You’ll have your pick of chairs, no lines for character greetings and photo opportunities, and the snorkeling will be undisturbed by others stirring up the bottom.
If you’re the adventurous type and don’t want to just lie around on the beach, take advantage of the package excursions at Castaway Cay that include snorkel equipment, float/raft rental, and a one-hour bike rental. The bundle deal is not available once you leave the ship (i.e., you have to pay the individual price for each activity, which will cost more). However, MouseSavers.com reader Kelly M has this to offer: “at Castaway Cay, there is so much to do that we couldn’t get to everything. We booked four passes for the snorkel, float and bicycle package. Next time we will only book two passes and share. We ran out of time and could have easily shared two sets. We didn’t even get to pick up the bikes since we ran out of time.”
Castaway Cay has its own post office, so your stop there is an opportunity to send postcards to your friends. All of you scrapbookers out there will want to bring an extra postcard or two to mail to yourself; they’ll receive the Castaway Cay postmark! Definitely buy your Bahamian stamps on the boat at Guest Services before you arrive at Castaway Cay, or you can buy them in Nassau if you go there first. The post offices has very limited hours or may not be open at all. (If you do buy stamps at Castaway Cay you will need CASH to pay for the postage — it can’t be charged to your room key). If you have stamped postcards, you can drop them in the slot any time. Note that it can take quite a long time (months) for the postcard to reach home, and we have multiple reports of postcards never arriving at all.
You can run or walk the Castaway Cay 5K anytime. You can run or walk this 5K route anytime you like while on Castaway Cay, just stop at the bike rental booth to get instructions. The route is well marked and there are water stations and cups along the route. You’ll (usually) get a souvenir medal for completing the race (though sometimes they don’t give them out, seemingly at random), a feeling of accomplishment, and an excuse to have a second helping of cookies and ice cream at lunch.
Take some time to explore the public parts of the island, including the old landing strip. Disney has placed a bunch of artfully arranged flotsam and jetsam all over, including a couple of DC-3’s with Disney nose art that make a great backdrop for a group photo. Taking a walk or bike ride to the observation tower makes a nice expedition. The walkway is paved and well-marked, and there are water dispensers at regular intervals. From the top of the tower you can see the ship in the distance, the native landscape of Castaway Cay (which is admittedly pretty sparse), and some fun surprises placed here and there by Disney imagineers.
Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point
Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point is Disney’s newest “private island” experience, created to take some pressure off Castaway Cay and add new private beach experiences to the Disney Cruise portfolio. It has all the same basic features as Castaway Cay: a nice private beach with plenty of lounge chairs and umbrellas, included buffet lunch, and exclusive shore activities and excursions.
Lookout Cay is not actually a separate island, but rather a private piece of land near the southern tip of Eleuthera, one of the larger Bahamian islands. However, from a practical point of view it works the same way as a true private island. It’s just easier for the locals to come to work, since they can just drive over instead of taking a boat.
Lookout Cay has a variety of activities. You can snorkel, get a spa treatment, walk the nature trail, participate in Disney shore adventures and meet Disney characters. The Goombay Cultural Center you can experience Bahamian culture and traditions through folk tales, art, demonstrations and hands-on activities. There is also a RUSH! Junkanoo celebration with music and dancing. As with Castaway Cay, there are a few extra-cost experiences, but most of it is FREE.
Nassau, Bahamas
All of Disney Cruise Line’s popular 3- and 4-day cruises stop in Nassau, which is probably the single most visited cruise destination in the world. Every day, up to 18,000 cruise passengers arrive at the Nassau cruise terminal and head out to a variety of adventures, shopping, or just to the beach. The Bahamas is a former British colony with a rich history, and traces of its Georgian heyday are visible in the lovely old buildings, some dating back to just after the American Revolution.
There is plenty here for the cruise visitor, including the amazing Atlantis mega-resort, snorkeling, scuba-diving, or just lying on the beach. You can also just get off the ship and explore, though read the Port Safety notes; the tourist areas of Nassau are quite safe during normal business hours, but it’s not recommended to wander too far on your own beyond the downtown and resort areas, especially at night.
Jump to:
- Getting Taxis in Nassau
- Atlantis & Aquaventure
- Aquaventure Tips
- Nassau Beach Options
- Other Nassau recommendations
Getting Taxis in Nassau
There is quite a bit to explore within walking distance from the cruise terminal, but if you want to get to the further beach and resort areas like Paradise Island or Cable Beach you’ll want to get transportation. We generally recommend taking taxi cabs. There is a water taxi to Paradise Island near the cruise terminal, but it doesn’t have a schedule; it waits until it is full, which can take a long time. And there are jitneys, which are local buses. The #10 jitney runs back and forth along Bay street from near the cruise terminal to the far end of Cable Beach, but the waits can be long, and they can be crowded and stop semi-randomly. Be sure to take the #10, which stays on Bay Street, and not the #10A, which goes through side streets and takes forever. The fare is $1.25 each way per person, cash only, no change given. Our feeling is that you have limited time in Nassau; make the most of it and take cabs. It’s a small town and very few places will cost more than $4/person to get to in a cab. Getting from the cruise terminal to the far end of Paradise Island or Cable Beach might go as high as $6/person.
You should know in advance that taxis in Nassau are not always in particularly great shape. The air conditioning may not work or the driver may not run it to save gas. The car or van itself may look well-used. The driver may stop to get gas on the way to your destination. It’s the Caribbean, and that’s pretty much the standard for cabs all over the region. Ultimately if you don’t like the look of a cab, wait for another one. If all of this sounds like it would make you uncomfortable, then don’t take cabs; book excursions with included transportation via Disney or Viator or direct with a tour company. Disney and Viator work with large tour companies that generally use nice, clean air-conditioned vans and minibuses.
Licensed cabs say “Taxi” on the side in fancy lettering and have a taxi license plate and a meter. There are shuttles as well, mostly doing back and forth runs between the cruise terminal and Paradise Island, and they can be a perfectly reasonable option, if picked up inside the cruise terminal gates or called for you by the bell captain at a hotel. We would not recommend taking an unlicensed cab anywhere else, unless you arrange the booking yourself through a reliable transportation company. Often even if you take a licensed cab with a meter the driver will refuse to use the meter and will just quote a price, which you are free to negotiate. Just about anywhere within 15 minutes of the cruise terminal should be $4/person or less. If the driver tries to change the agreed price, just repeat the price you agreed, hand them the money and get out.
At the cruise terminal, the shuttles to Paradise Island are easy to get, but be aware that they are not organized into a well-behaved line. There is a large, chaotic area inside the cruise terminal gates with shuttle vans, van hawkers, drivers, etc. all trying to get the attention of cruise passengers. You can go to one of the counters offering shuttles, or just tell the first driver you see where you want to go. The drivers will usually want to wait until they’ve filled up their van, but that shouldn’t take long. If you want to get a personal taxi for just your party, you may want to walk outside the terminal and look for a licensed cab.
At a resort like Atlantis or the One & Only Ocean Club, just go to the bell stand out front and ask for a taxi. They’ll whistle one over, or call one if there isn’t one waiting.
If you’re somewhere else and need a ride back to the cruise terminal, if you’re near Bay Street you can just hail a taxi; there are plenty going up and down it all day. On Paradise Island, you can find taxis in any tourist spot or driving on Paradise Island Drive.
It’s normally about 15-20 minutes drive from Atlantis or other locations on Paradise Island to the cruise terminal. The far end of Cable beach is about the same driving distance from the cruise terminal in the other direction. But near the end of the day there can be significant traffic trying to get back to the terminal that can push the total travel time to 30 minutes or more, so don’t push your luck. Allow plenty of time, and remember you have to get through port security.
Atlantis & Aquaventure
Atlantis is a truly massive resort and casino on Paradise Island, about a 15-minute drive from the cruise terminal. It’s one of the most popular destinations for cruise-ship passengers in Nassau, largely because of its massive water park, Aquaventure. It also has a very large and beautiful aquarium called The Dig, which is designed to look like you’re touring an ancient section of the mythical land of Atlantis that has been submerged and discovered centuries later by archaeologists. Atlantis is located right on Cabbage Beach, perhaps the most beautiful of all Bahamas beaches, and it has an enormous casino and lots of high-end restaurants and shopping. It’s all very impressive, but the prices are equally impressive.
Is Atlantis worth visiting while on a Bahamas cruise? It’s hard to say. Purely as a water park, we’d have to say no. If you book it through Disney, it’s about $250 for adults and $140 for kids. If you self-book and work every angle, you might be able to get access to Aquaventure for $120-$140 so per person in the peak season, or $95-$110 in the off season. Compare that to Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon or Aquatica in Orlando, all of which are $75-ish for a full-price adult ticket (even less if you use one of the many discounts available). Atlantis Aquaventure is huge and has some very neat water slides and a great rapids river, but it’s not so much better than the Orlando parks to merit the price difference. In fact, we’d say the Orlando parks are easier to navigate and better planned for practical touring. All that said, Atlantis as a whole is pretty spectacular and a unique destination. The Dig, the predator lagoons, the Aquaventure park and the art and the architecture are all unlike anything anywhere else (except maybe the other Atlantis resorts), so it’s very hard to say what it’s worth. If you have people in your party who love water parks, or love aquariums, it’s probably worth a visit. If you find the architecture intriguing, you’ll like it even better up close. But if you expect to get your money’s worth as a “theme park” experience, then it’s going to be a disappointment.
Most of Atlantis, including Aquaventure and the aquariums and other exhibits, is only open to their own hotel guests or cruise-ship guests with a day pass. Even the Royal Towers lobby is off-limits if you don’t have a wristband or the paperwork you need to get a wristband.
There are several options for visiting the paid sections of Atlantis, including several Disney-sponsored excursions. It is almost always cheaper and faster to get to Atlantis on your own. We recommend taking a cab right outside the cruise terminal, which allows you to leave immediately after docking and beat the other cruise passengers to the water slides.
You can get an Aquaventure pass on-site, when available, which includes beach and Dig access. However, when the resort is very full, such as during spring break, they may not offer walk-up Aquaventure passes, or they may sell out quickly. If you know you want to visit Aquaventure, it’s a good idea to book through Disney or book via Atlantis’s website. If you just want to view the Dig or the beach, there may be passes that don’t include Aquaventure available at a lower price – call first to check availability.
These prices were correct when gathered (early 2024), but are subject to change any time, and may vary based on season and demand:
- The Atlantis Aquaventure day pass includes access to pretty much everything at Atlantis except the Dolphin adventures and the grounds and pools of the ultra-pricey Cove and Reef areas. It includes access to Aquaventure, pools, the beach, the Dig, the predator lagoons and the Royal Towers lobby. Same-day passes cost $250-275 (depending on season and whether lunch is included) for adults (13+), and $140-$160 for children (4-12). Children 3 and under are FREE with a paying adult. Note that these may sell out, especially at peak times like spring break.
- The Discover Atlantis pass includes the Dig, the predator lagoons, and access to the Royal Towers lobby. It includes a guided tour of the Dig (which you can take or not). Same-day passes cost $55 for all ages (4+). Children 3 and under are FREE with a paying adult. We have never heard of these being sold out.
- The Atlantis Beach Day pass includes use of beach chairs and umbrellas, plus access to the Dig, predator lagoons, and the Royal Towers Lobby. Same-day passes cost $95 for all ages (4+). Lunch is not included. Children 3 and under are FREE with a paying adult. We have heard of these selling out during spring break, and possibly other times, but perhaps not as often as the Aquaventure passes.
Some (but not all) of these day passes can be purchased in advance on Atlantis’s website.
To buy a day pass in person, go to the ticket booth at the Coral Towers entrance and show your Key to the World card to prove you’re on a cruise. (They don’t want guests of other unaffiliated Bahamas hotels to be able to get access to the Atlantis facilities, which is why they need to see proof that you’re a cruise passenger.)
If you don’t want to pay for a day pass, there are a few areas of Atlantis that are free to visit, most notably the casino, shops and restaurants in and around the Coral Towers. If you just want to soak up the atmosphere, gamble, or have some lunch, you’re welcome to do so by coming in the Coral Towers entrance. You should know, though, that pretty much all of the iconic Atlantis architecture and decor is in and around the Royal Towers, which are off-limits without a pass. You can also walk outside and visit the Marina Village shopping center and the Paradise Shopping Plaza across the street, which features a local handcrafts area that is like the Straw Market in downtown Nassau, but with slightly less aggressive vendors. If you want to eat, many of the signature restaurants in Atlantis are only open for dinner, but there are quite a few restaurants open for lunch in the Marina Village, or you can walk through the conference center to the Beach Tower and eat at the Cave Grill without needing a day pass.
When you’re ready to leave Atlantis, if you have any day pass and thus have a wristband, just walk out the front doors of the Atlantis Royal Towers and ask them to call you a taxi or cruise terminal shuttle. There will likely be several of them waiting, and there will be a posted flat rate to the cruise terminal. If you’re just visiting with no day pass or band, you will have to pick up a taxi at the Coral Towers, Beach Tower or the Marina Village.
Aquaventure Tips & Tricks:
- Whether you book the Disney Aquaventure tour or go on your own, our advice is to ignore the guided tour of the Dig and just head straight to Aquaventure as soon as you get your wristbands. The Dig is well worth visiting, but not during prime morning hours; it stays open much later than the pools, so save your visit for later in the day when you’re tired of slides, during a mid-day break or in the last 30 minutes before you need to return. Obviously if you get there so early that they won’t let you into the Aquaventure area, congratulate yourself on your efficiency and take a turn through the Dig, or take the opportunity to check out the predator lagoons over by the Coral Tower or the murals and decorative elements in the Royal Towers lobby.
- The slides and Rapids River usually open at 10, and the pools and Dig open at 9. It’s a good idea to get in as early as you can to get a locker and towels and stake out some lounge chairs. If you manage to get all settled before the slides open, you can walk around and check out the lay of the land and get yourself oriented.
- In the late summer and fall, it’s not uncommon for the pools and slides to close in the mid-afternoon because of thunderstorms, and they might not open again, so it’s important to get an early start.
- The best locker and towel area is the Hospitality Center. In defiance of logic, it is in the back of the park as far as possible from the lobby and entrances. From the desk where you get the wristbands, head up the stairs to the lobby level of the Royal Towers and follow the signs to Aquaventure, and then to the Hospitality Center, or ask any staff about the most direct route. There are lockers, fresh towels, and deck chairs there, and it’s right next to a good place to enter the Rapids. However, we’d suggest spending the morning riding water slides, and then check out the Rapids once you’re tired of slides or the lines are getting long.
- The Rapids is not a “lazy” river. It’s a rapid river, and there are sections of it that can hurt you if you’re not paying attention, including a speed run through concrete “rocks” you could hit your head on or get a bad scrape from. If you’re paying attention, you’ll have no trouble; it’s not crazy fast. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can just relax and float. In some sections it can look that way, but then it can speed up and start knocking you around. Think carefully before sending small children on it, or walk around and take a look at the hairier sections.
- The concrete walkways appear to be some kind of cool-deck material, but they still can get pretty hot. Flip-flops or water shoes are highly recommended. You can wear flip-flops or water shoes on the slides, as long as they don’t have metal on them that might scratch the slide surface.
- Towels are available early in the day from big carts near the Hospitality Center. Later in the day those carts disappear but they still have towels, so if you don’t see any, just ask at the Hospitality Center desk and they’ll hand you fresh towels.
- The food and merchandise locations in Aquaventure do not accept cash. They only accept Atlantis room keys or credit cards, so make sure you bring a working credit card with you if you want to be able to get food and rent a locker.
- There is no central float and tube distribution location. Tubes are included in the price of Aquaventure, and you just grab any empty one as it floats by, or from any stack you see. There’s no point in dragging them around the park; there will be more available just about anywhere you would need one. In a few cases you have to lug your own tube up the stairs to the top of a slide, and that will be obvious, as everyone will be carrying tubes up the stairs.
- Several of the fancier tube slides can be accessed from the Rapids; you just float around until you see a fork in the river, with one side leading to the “Rapids” and one to the “Power Tower.” Take the Power Tower path to get to two elaborate slides called The Drop and The Falls via a conveyor belt that carries you to the top of the Power Tower without you even having to get out of your tube. To get to the other slides in the Power Tower you have to leave the Rapids and walk up some stairs.
- The food from the snack bars is pretty ordinary and similar to theme-park food. If you want more exciting food, there is a full-service restaurant in the water park area called Shark Bites that serves a few Bahamian specialties like conch salad, conch chowder, and johnnycake (in addition to the usual burgers, salads and chicken strips). You could also head over to the Coral Tower and try the Lagoon Bar & Grill, and you could check out the sharks in the predator lagoons while you’re over there. If you have a lunch voucher it may only be good at certain restaurants, so check on that before you hike all the way over to the Coral Tower.
Nassau Beach Options
Free Beaches:
There are several public beaches in Nassau which cost nothing to visit other than transportation costs, plus of course any snacks, drinks, souvenirs, hair braiding, etc. you might purchase while you’re there. Most of the public beaches will have vendors hawking drinks, chairs, pictures, souvenirs, etc. and some of them can be pushy. Generally just politely saying “no thanks” is enough to get them to move on.
It’s very important to note that public beaches in the Bahamas do not have the same level of amenities as most public beaches in the USA. If you are used to California or Florida public beaches with bathrooms, changing rooms, showers, maybe a boardwalk, you will need to reset your expectations. In the Bahamas, as in many developing countries, there is very little public money for beaches, and (with a few exceptions mentioned below) the only infrastructure is provided by private vendors, who will charge money for access. At the more popular beaches there may be vendors who will rent you a beach chair or umbrella for a fee, or people just walking around with cold drinks for sale, but don’t expect much more than that. Also, depending on the tides and weather some of these beaches can have heavy surf and riptides, and there are no lifeguards.
- Junkanoo Beach (also called West Esplanade Beach). This is the closest beach to the cruise terminal, and is an easy walk. Just come out of the cruise terminal, turn right and follow the road along the shore (which has a few twists and turns along the way) for a few blocks past the British Colonial hotel. As the nearest public beach to the main tourism area, it’s quite busy and full of tourists and vendors. We have seen frequent reports of litter and debris, but if you can find a section that has just been cleaned and raked, it can be quite nice, and some of the vendors who have permanent shacks on the beach are very good about keeping up the area near them. The water is much calmer here than on other beaches in the area, though the view is perhaps not as nice (mostly you can see the harbor and cruise ships). There are public facilities here of varying cleanliness, again depending on how recently they were serviced.
- Saunders Beach. This beach is just a bit further east on Bay Street from the Fish Fry area but not all the way to Cable Beach. There are fewer (often no) vendors here, and on weekdays there may not be many people here, period. There are no bathrooms or other facilities, but there are shops and some fast-food restaurants across the street. The beach has nice sand, but once you get into the water it’s a bit rocky. The surf here is not typically very strong, but there are no lifeguards on duty, so you’ll want to keep an eye on children. You could conceivably walk here, but it would be a long walk; we’d take a taxi. If you’re trying to get away from the touristy beaches, this is the place, or Goodman’s Bay, just a bit further along Bay Street.
- Cable Beach. This is about a 15-25 minute drive from the cruise terminal, depending on which end of it you visit. Cable Beach is a beautiful beach with soft sand, but it’s hard to access the best section of the beach without paying, because that portion, while technically public up to the high-water mark, is effectively controlled by the row of hotels in front of it. The easiest public access is via Goodman’s Bay park, which is essentially part of Cable Beach. The beach at Goodman’s Bay is a less crowded beach than Junkanoo, and in fact on weekdays there may be almost no one here. On weekends there will often be some locals out and about. There are no public facilities on the beach or in the park except for restrooms that are open erratically and a children’s playground. You can walk over to the section of beach in front of Breezes, but they will shoo you away if you venture too close to the resort. At the other end of Cable Beach, near the Melia, pretty much the whole beach is deliberately designed to be inaccessible except through one of the resorts, and if you can find your way through an alley to the beach, you’ll find that essentially anything you would want to do is reserved for hotel guests. Really, if you want to spend the day at Cable Beach, a day pass is your best option.
- Cabbage Beach. This is on the north side of Paradise Island, right next to Atlantis. Cabbage Beach is a beautiful beach with a great view of the ocean, but the surf is very strong, especially in the winter, and it’s often not safe to swim. The best public beach access is about a mile away from Atlantis, next to the Paradise Island Beach Club. There are no public facilities to speak of, but there will usually be lots of private vendors around renting chairs, selling drinks, etc. The nearest public restroom is at the Marina Village, about a 25-minute walk away. You can no longer get into the Atlantis Beach Tower from the beach without an Atlantis wristband. If you decide you want a day pass, both Riu and Atlantis offer them (see below), but you can’t buy them at their beach entrances; they will direct you to go all the way around to the front entrance of the Riu or the front entrance of the Atlantis Coral Towers to buy one, which is about a 25-30 minute walk. The bottom line is that while the beach is technically public, the resorts in front of the beach effectively control access to most facilities and for most travelers we would suggest buying a day pass to experience this beach.
For a more relaxing beach experience, it may be worth your while to get a day pass for one of the hotels in the area, which will generally give you access to their private beach, or to a reserved area on a public beach with beach chairs and umbrellas, plus access to the rest of their hotel including pools, bathrooms, towels, recreation equipment, etc. Lunch is sometimes included with a day pass, but be sure to read the included amenities to be sure. Note that these hotel’s websites never seem to have any information about day passes. To find out more, you must generally call the hotel directly. The Bahamas uses the US/Canada phone prefix (1), so you can direct-dial Bahamas numbers easily. It is an international call from the US or Canada, so you might want to check what your phone company is going to charge before calling. Some of these hotels also have an email address, but our experience emailing foreign hotels is hit-or-miss. Some respond immediately and some never respond. All prices below were correct when we last checked them, but are subject to change without warning.
During peak times (spring break and Christmas, most notably), the resorts will be very full and the prices may be higher. The day passes tend to sell out, so it may be hard to get one as a walk-up guest. Pre-book if possible, or get to the resort as early as you can the morning you arrive. And of course even if you get a pass during peak season, it may be harder to find an empty beach chair or snag a kayak if you don’t arrive early.
- British Colonial, Nassau is a beautiful colonial-era hotel that was renovated extensively in 2023. Its best feature is its proximity to the cruise terminal – you can easily stroll there in 10 minutes. Just exit the cruise terminal, turn right and walk along the street for about 4 blocks. They have a private beach (with a view mostly of the port and cruise ships), and a nice restaurant. They offer a beach pass for $100 for adults, $55 for children. You can buy the pass in advance from ResortForADay. Direct phone: +1-242-605-9900
- Margaritaville Beach Resort is a new-ish resort right in downtown Nassau. It has multiple food outlets, a nice beach with a view of the cruise ships, and a small water park with a lazy river and a few water slides. It’s easy to get to – you just go out to the street, turn right, and walk along Bay Street for about 10-15 minutes. It’s just before Junkanoo Beach. A day pass is $110 for adults and $55 for children. This just includes access to the grounds, including the water park and beach area. No food or drink is included. You can buy the pass in advance from ResortForADay. Direct phone: +1-242-603-8400
- Breezes Bahamas is on Cable Beach, and only open to ages 14+, and at times (spring break) only 18+. This is an all-inclusive resort, so day passes include all-you-can-eat food and drink including beer, wine, and cocktails for those over 18. Walk-up day passes are $110/person, or you can buy in advance from ResortForADay. Direct phone: +1-242-327-5356
- Sandals Royal Bahamian is on the far end of Cable Beach, even further down than the Melia. It is an adults-only resort, so all guests must be 18+. They have by all accounts some of the nicest facilities in Nassau. This is an all-inclusive resort, so day passes include all-you-can-eat food and drink including beer, wine, and cocktails for those over 18. Walk-up day passes are at last report $115/person for 10 am – 6 pm. Direct phone: +1-242-327-6400
- Atlantis Paradise Island is on Cabbage Beach and last we checked, offers a beach day pass for $85 for all ages (4+), which includes lunch and access to the Dig aquarium (but not the pools or Aquaventure water park). Direct phone: +1-242-363-3000
- Riu Palace is also on Cabbage Beach, next to Atlantis. It is an adults-only resort, so all guests must be 18+. This is an all-inclusive resort; day passes include all-you-can eat food and drink including beer, wine and cocktails. Day passes are available in person, or in advance for $160 through ResortForADay. Direct phone: +1-242-363-3500
- Blue Lagoon is best known for their popular Dolphin Encounter, but you can book a beach day on their private island for $94 for adults (13+), $70 for children (4-12), including lunch. Booking directly is a little cheaper than the Disney-arranged excursion, but you’ll have to take a cab to and from the Paradise Island Ferry Terminal to get to the embarkation point for the ferry to the island, whereas Disney includes all transportation and leaves from a dock near the cruise ship, so for most people booking this with Disney is the better option. More information: +1-866-918-9932
- Other day passes may be available from ResortForADay. The mix of resorts offering day passes changes from time to time, so it’s worth checking out what’s available on the date you’ll be in Nassau.
Other Nassau Recommendations
- The Fish Fry is a group of colorful restaurants and bars just a few blocks from downtown Nassau. It’s a good place to get authentic local food, including the local shellfish: conch (pronounced “KONK”). You can eat conch in many forms: fritters (which are generally heavy on the batter and light on the conch), “cracked conch” which is lightly battered and fried conch strips, tangy conch salad (kind of like ceviche), or spicy conch chowder (which has both cream and tomatoes, kind of like a cross between New England and Manhattan styles). You can also get fried or grilled grouper, snapper and other local fish. There are usually at least a few non-fish items on the menu for folks who aren’t fans of seafood. You can walk to it fairly easily in about 15-20 minutes, or take a very short cab ride. Just come out of the cruise terminal, turn right, and follow the road along the shore past the British Colonial Hilton, past Junkanoo Beach, and about two more blocks through Clifford Park until you see the row of fish joints. This is not fancy eating and may not be a good choice for picky eaters or young children (though most places have simple food like fries and chicken fingers available), but it is real Bahamian food and not expensive (at least not compared to other Nassau options), and during the day the walk is safe. You can Google “fish fry Nassau” for specific restaurant recommendations, but the competition here is fierce and tends to keep the quality up, so following your nose and checking out what other people seem to be enjoying is a good strategy.
- The Ardastra Gardens & Zoo is quite nice. It’s a small private zoo with some lovely grounds and a famous (and fairly amusing) “marching flamingos” show. Exactly how much the flamingos are “marching” versus “running away from the trainer” is debatable, but it’s all in fun and the narration doesn’t take the show too seriously. You can also feed apple chunks to Australian lorys (a kind of small parrot), who will land right on your hands and shoulders to take apple pieces. They have a wide variety of other interesting animals, including rare black swans. It’s good for a few hours, and our recommendation is not to bother with the Disney excursion that includes an overlong “island tour.” Just take a taxi there, and when you’re done, ask the Ardastra folks to call you a taxi back to the ship. You can also walk to/from Ardastra; it’s very near the Fish Fry. It’s about a 5-minute walk from the Fish Fry or a 20-25 minute walk from the cruise terminal, but definitely get a map at the cruise terminal; it’s tucked in among a bunch of houses and not in an obvious location. If possible, try to time your visit so you’ll be there for a lory feeding and flamingo show; the schedule is listed on the Ardastra Gardens & Zoo website.
- The Versailles Garden and Cloisters is a lovely terraced garden on Paradise Island that contains the ruins of a French monastery. The monastery was moved from France to the US by newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, and subsequently to the Bahamas by supermarket heir and developer Huntington Hartford, who thought it would look nice on the resort island he was developing. The gardens are now part of the The Four Seasons Ocean Club Resort, but a good portion is open to the public. The gardens are in a narrow strip of land that goes from the resort to the water, going down to sunken gardens and back up to the cloisters. You can easily enter the gardens from Paradise Island Drive, the main artery going east-west on the island. If you walk south from the road, you’ll pass through the cloister and eventually reach an overlook with a gazebo and beautiful view of the water. If you walk north from the road toward the resort, you’ll get to see a fair amount of the gardens, but will eventually encounter security who will turn you away if you’re not a guest of the resort. If you want to see the whole gardens including the portion near the resort, you can have lunch at the Dune restaurant (which is nice, but very pricey) at The Ocean Club, then walk out through the gardens. Keep your receipt from the restaurant just in case you walk out past a guard and then want to get back in. You can take a cab here from the cruise terminal, or walk to or from here from Atlantis or the Marina Village; it’s about a 10-15 minute walk from the Marina Village down Paradise Island Drive on a paved pedestrian walkway. There is also a free shuttle van between Atlantis and the Ocean Club. Ask about it at the Atlantis front desk.
- John Watling’s Rum Distillery is built around a large and lovely renovated historic house. The highlight is a FREE self-guided walk through that tells you about the history of the location and how rum is made. The actual rum production facilities are a little underwhelming, and are basically a big warehouse full of barrels with some stainless steel tanks and equipment in the back. The rum itself is perfectly fine and makes a unique souvenir, as it isn’t easily available outside the Bahamas. There is a lounge at the end of the tour where you can buy small samples of the rum for a few dollars per pour, and a gift shop where you can buy t-shirts, mugs, glasses and, of course, rum. You can bring children on the tour (though obviously they can’t buy rum), but it’s not the most exciting thing for kids. Depending on how long you care to stay, you can spend as little as 15 minutes on the tour or perhaps as long as 45 if you love learning about rum. For us at least, the house itself and the history displays were the most interesting part.