Contact Info – About Contacting Us
Please read the information below carefully before contacting us. Thanks!
Fan mail is, of course, always welcome.
Seriously, it’s always nice to hear from readers, and if you have comments, updates or suggestions for the site, you are welcome to contact us at the address below.
Before you email, please note:
- We are not able to respond to all of the mail we receive, but we do read our mail regularly. Sometimes we include reader-provided suggestions and information on By submitting your suggestion, you agree to allow us to use it here on the site.
- We are not a travel agency. We do not offer individualized planning advice. If you need help planning a trip, we recommend an excellent Disney-only travel agency called Small World Vacations. Please contact them directly. You can read more about the agency and why we recommend them.
- doesn’t sell anything, including Disney vacations or tickets. We collect information about discounts, deals and offers and provide that information to the public for FREE. Essentially is similar to an electronic magazine or newsletter. If you have a question about a product, hotel or service provider mentioned on the site, please contact that business directly for help.
Before sending us questions, please use the suggestions below to find the answer yourself!
- If you are going to Walt Disney World PLEASE READ THIS, by far the most commonly asked question!
- Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, which links to the answers to over 90% of the emails we receive.
- Please use the search box that appears at the top of every page.
- Please visit the Newsletter Help page for help with newsletter delivery problems. Newsletter problems need to be fixed from your end.
- We don’t do resends of the newsletter nor will we provide any links from the newsletter. Sorry, you’ll just have to wait for the next issue.
We know this page may sound discouraging, but this site gets nearly a million visitors a month. Please understand how much mail we receive and how many times we are asked to answer the same questions.
Thanks – Sarah and Don
After you’ve read all the information above, you can send correspondence to:
(You’ll have to type the address into your email – the graphic is not clickable in order to deter spammers.)